Brad Barrish's Documentation

Notes from The Willows Laptop and Technology Orientation

Key Points


The meeting covered the school’s comprehensive approach to technology use for middle school students. The school provides Macbooks with access to various educational applications, emphasizing the importance of responsible use. A key focus was on the introduction of AI in education, with the school carefully navigating this area through discussions on its use, privacy concerns, ethics, and potential biases.

Internet use at school is strictly monitored and requires explicit teacher permission. The school has implemented a new policy requiring personal phones and smartwatches to be turned off and stored in Yonder pouches during school hours. Additionally, only wired headphones are now allowed, with earbuds being prohibited. These measures aim to minimize distractions and promote a focused learning environment.

The school stressed the importance of digital citizenship, emphasizing that mean behavior, whether digital or in-person, on or off campus, may result in school consequences. Social networking sites are not allowed on school devices, even for students over 13, to further protect students and maintain a safe digital environment.

Proper care of the laptops was a significant point of discussion. Students are expected to handle the devices responsibly, and the school provided guidelines to prevent damage. A dedicated tech support team is available to assist students with any issues they may encounter.

The meeting also touched on the school’s evolving policies regarding technology use. These policies are being shaped by ongoing research about the impact of technology on mental health and social development. The school is consulting various resources and experts in this field to ensure a balanced approach to technology use.

Parents were encouraged to set media guidelines at home and were provided with resources to help facilitate discussions about responsible technology use with their children. The school emphasized the importance of a partnership between parents and the school in guiding students through the digital landscape.

Overall, the meeting highlighted the school’s commitment to providing students with valuable technological tools while also prioritizing their well-being and fostering responsible digital citizenship. The school’s approach balances the benefits of technology in education with the need to protect students from potential negative impacts, creating a framework that supports both academic growth and personal development.

Originally published on September 3, 2024